E169 | William Pike

Show notes | William Pike

0:00 William Pike a loose unit?

2:10 Foundations of friendships and packing lists

9:39 Falling in love with the outdoors at Westlake Boys’ School

13:38 Setting the scene for the Mt Ruapehu eruption

24:42 Assessing the situation and the damage

32:50 The emotion of reflecting on the eruption

36:26 The bravery of James Christie

42:51 Rescue from the dome shelter and the first steps of recovery

52:40 The support of friends and family

55:27 Getting back into life: back into teaching and a return to the dome shelter

1:03:25 The William Pike Challenge

1:08:54 Retelling the story: public speaking

1:12:26 Pivoting to new business: Pro-Armour

1:21:32 The realities of being an amputee

1:31:23 Gratitude for the Mt Ruapehu incident

1:41:44 Last words from Steve, Seamus, and William


E170 | Ali Williams


E168 | Dave Wood