Matt Heath

Matt Heath

Matt Heath is an actor; producer; radio host; sports commentator; columnist and musician.

An experienced MC and keynote speaker, Heath can entertain audiences with stories from his band Deja Voodo, his journey from Bfm to Radio Hauraki, his experiences working in mainstream television and breakfast radio and tales from the road travelling with the Alternative Commentary Collective.

Heath played Danny Parker on Back Of The Y Masterpiece Television and Dick Johansonson in the feature film The Devil Dared Me To; was guitarist and singer for the 2000s band Deja Voodoo and hosted shows for MTV2 and Channel 4 in the UK. Matt currently co-hosts the Matt and Jerry Breakfast Show with Jeremy Wells on Radio Hauraki; continues as a weekly columnist for The New Zealand Herald and commentates cricket and rugby for the Alternative Commentary Collective.

When he’s not doing all of that, he also runs the motion graphics company Vinewood Animation Studios with Philip Brough.



TV star, radio star, fake musician

Episode 36

Matt politely declines a beer after four hours broadcasting and a big weekend ...


Leigh Hart


Honey Hireme-Smiler