E152 | Thomas Nabbs

Show notes | Thomas Nabbs

0:00 Not *that* Waterboy but a Low Key Legend all the same

5:23 Thomas Nabbs the vision impaired marathon guide

13:03 Thomas Nabbs the cricket umpire

17:58 The importance of helping people

22:40 Family foundations

32:51 Losing both parents in quick succession

38:33 What is The Waterboy?

45:39 The Waterboy origin story

55:59 The power of storytelling

1:02:48 Rewards and success

1:09:12 Taku Wairua and the influence of David Galbraith

1:14:32 What’s the vision?

1:23:23 Everybody’s Game

1:31:05 Last words from Steve, Seamus, and Thomas


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